Sunday, February 26, 2012

Taking stock of the situation

                 Last night as I lay in bed reflecting on my progress, I figured that I needed to stop for a second and take stock of my situation. What is it that I am doing well and where do I need more attention. What is helping me through and what is dragging me down. I needed to answer this question " What is the problem now!" If I could define the problem accurately than half my solution is answered.
                The problem is appetite and eating. The problem is sore throat and difficult in swallowing. The problem is loosing weight excessively, if the fat is being reduced I don't mind but my muscle is getting eaten up, and that is not a good sign.( Muscle atrophy). The problem is dry mouth and poor saliva lubrication. The problem is tiredness and lack of energy.
                So having clarified the problem I started to look for ideas and possible solutions. It soon became apparent that this was basically a 2 fold problem. It is a physical and mental issue.The physical issue is directly related to me being under nourished and therefore the outcome is tiredness and lack of energy. The dry mouth and sore throat is manageable. Its the mental issue of eating and appetite.I needed a paradigm shift. I no longer can build an appetite using the old way of looking at food and relying on taste.I figured out that eating from now on will be solely for sustenance and prevent further deterioration of body mass. Eating was the secret to getting me through the next phase of treatment. I needed to come out of this in a better physical condition than I started.No point curing the cancer and inheriting a poor muscular skeleton frame. Eating had to take a significant and important role. So I decide that from now on eating is going to be my priority..           
  I got my wife involved in this issue. I asked her to shop around for a meal replacement formula. Do some research on the internet and talk to people. So off she went to the local pharmacy and had a lengthy talk to our pharmacist and came back with a can of Ensure. So from today on the game plan is to eat every hour, small amount at a time. I had to make a conscious decision that eating is no longer taste based but rather need based. The replacement diet will be twice a day, once in the morning and another before I go to bed. In between it will be soup, broth,fruits and soy bean curd.. So let me try this out and see I how I feel. Tomorrow is Monday my chemo day. The week starts all over again. Thanks for all the calls and visits to the house, I am feeling much better already. Love to all of you out there for helping me on. Bye


  1. We pray for your speedy recovery Bro Shakil. You are so kind & positive and your strength reaches out to so many people Bro. Really proud of your strength. Keep going strong bro, InsyaAllah those difficult moments will be over soon.

  2. Thank you. Alls well that ends well. In 3 weeks it will be all over.But its not over till the fat lady sings. Can't wait for her to sing!

  3. Hi paps, have you tried herbal life? its a meal replacement which is organic if i am not mistaken my roomate, wai shan takes it and it is supposedly quite filling! Just an idea!
    YOU CAN DO IT PAPS! just 3 more weeks to go till you can have roti canai and kari from kayu's again! love you xx

  4. Hi Shakil, great to hear that you are "feeling better already" and to see your problem solving skills at work. Really proud of the way you are handling this - certainly an inspiration to all of us and we are really proud of you old buddy. You are in our thoughts, and we’re all hoping that you will be enjoying better health again. Best regards. PK.

  5. Hey Uncle Shakil! Just started reading your blog, A.Chris sent it through. What an amazing effort! It is great to see you are in good spirits and using this time as reflection. I might save the roti canai that A.Christine sent with Eli at Christmas, for when you can eat it too and we can celebrate your recovery on both sides of the world. Keep strong. Love, Sarah xx

  6. assalamualaikum,how r u?it's gud and so much inspiring seeing u taking up the challenge so positively....allhamdulillah.....u express ur self very that is another quality which u can take up later n come up with sum gud block buster novel,or so on.....:)think about it.....:)allah hafiz.....

  7. Hey Shakil... been following your blog and posted some comments so i hope you got them... in any case, good job on reviewing the situation & excellent idea with the meal supplements. I'm currently doing Protein Shakes and it tastes so good!! I'm on an all protein diet which helps with removing viseral fat and Dr Mary Dan Eades and her husband both doctors have some radical thinking on weightlost.Check out though Not quite your problem but the information on protein diet is quite informative. On protein shakes I scoured the market and checked the protein content and there's about 20g of Protein in GNC 100% Whey Protein. I remember it's a whole lot more than Ensure's composition all around in branch amino acids and lower cabohydrate content too... It's also more cost efficient since they have a promo on with buy 1 get 1 free.. So I have several flavours and I also blend in fruit concotions to stir things up a bit. I'll send Chris more info separately.

    Just wanted to say chin up ol'boy seem to be taking everything in your stride. Well done and my prayers with you & Chris..always..

    Love & Peace



42 days of treatment